Prospectus of The Stylus



A Monthly Journal of Literature Proper, the Fine Arts and the Drama.

To Be Edited By

Edgar A. Poe.


To the Public. — Since resigning the conduct of the Southern Literary Messenger at the beginning of its third year, and more especially since retiring from the editorship of Graham’s Magazine soon after the commencement of its second, I have had always in view the establishment of a monthly journal which should retain one or two of the chief features of the work first mentioned, abandoning or greatly modifying its general character; — but not until now have I felt at liberty to attempt the execution of the design.

I shall be pardoned for speaking more directly of the two magazines in question. Having in neither of them any proprietary right; the objects of their worthy owners, too, being at variance with my own; I found it not only impossible to effect anything, on the score of taste, for their mechanical appearance, but difficult to stamp upon them internally that individuality which I believed essential to their success. In regard to the permanent influence of such publications, it appears to me that continuity and a marked certainty of purpose are requisites of vital importance; but attainable only where one mind alone has at least the general control. Experience, to be brief, has shown me that in founding a journal of my own, lies my sole chance of carrying out to completion whatever peculiar intentions I may have entertained.

These intentions are now as heretofore. It shall be the chief purpose of the magazine proposed, to become known as one wherein may be found at all times, on all topics within its legitimate reach, a sincere and a fearless opinion. It shall be a leading object to assert in precept and to maintain in practice the rights, while in effect it demonstrates the advantages, of an absolutely independent criticism: — a criticism self-sustained; guiding itself only by intelligible laws of art; analyzing these laws as it applies them; holding itself aloof from all personal bias, and acknowledging no fear save that of outraging the Right.

There is no design, however, to make the journal a critical one solely, or even very especially. It will aim at something more than the usual magazine variety, and at affording a fair field for the true talent of the land, without reference to the mere prestige of name or the advantages of worldly position. But since the efficiency of the work must in great measure depend upon its definitiveness, The Stylus will limit itself strictly to Literature Proper, the Fine Arts and the Drama.

In regard to what is going on within the limits assigned, throughout the civilized world, it will be a principal object of the magazine to keep its readers really au courant. For this end, accurate arrangements have been made at London, Paris, Rome and Vienna. The most distinguished of American scholars has agreed to superintend the department of classical letters. At all points the most effective aid is secured.

In the matter of mechanical execution it is proposed to surpass by very much the ordinary magazine style. The Stylus will include about 100 royal octavo pages per month; forming two thick volumes per year. The paper will be of superior texture; the type bold and clear. The price will be Five Dollars per annum, in advance. The provision in respect to advance payment, however, is meant only as a general rule and in reference to the magazine when established. In the commencement, the subscription will not be considered due until the issue of the third number.


New-York City, April, 1848.